Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mini Proposal ver 2 material preparation done on 8 June

Question (Mini Proposals) version 2

Answer 1:

Your proposed research question
Virtual Reality Meeting.

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The advantages of Virtual Reality meeting.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
Why virtual reality meeting  better compare to webcam meeting.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
Virtual reality wasn’t a new knowledge to IMD student and they should have basic understanding of Virtual Reality.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
All the resources were listed and obtain from secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
My knowledge about this topic wasn’t enough for deep exploration. 

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will do.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list. (Coming Soon)

Answer 2:

Your proposed research question
Does authorship affect Intertextuality creation.

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The critical Issue about authorship in Intertextuality.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
The important exist about authorship in Intertextuality issue.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
Intertextuality wasn't a fresh topic for IMD and it was able to achieve it with few arguments that exist in cyberspace.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
The sources and material that I need was all listed and management well in cyberspace as secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
The knowledge that I have wasn't deep or clear enough for describe it well and detail.

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will suit it.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9.

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list.  (Coming Soon)

Answer 3:

Your proposed research question
Does reputation, credibility and communication build in virtual Identity.
How is professional credibility established using virtual identity?

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The important about these three elements in virtual Identity to people and society.
This study will examine the topic of virtual identities and will use McLuhans idea that the media is an extension of the self.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
Virtual Identity work as important as our reality Identity.
The topic will be studied via the LinkedIn for further understanding about virtual identity to conduct a details analysis.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
We study and discuss virtual identity as the digital identity in other class so we learn a basic knowledge about it.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
The sources and material that I need was all listed and management well in cyberspace as secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
The knowledge that I have wasn't deep or clear enough for describe it well and detail.

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will suit it.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9.

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mini Proposal material preparation done on 1 June

10 Question need to answer in Mini Proposals

  1. Your proposed research question
  2. Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations.
  3. A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
  4. The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
  5. A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
  6. An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
  7. specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
  8. A timeline for your enquiry process.
  9. A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
  10. A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations

Answer 1 (60%)

  1. Does game affect our decision making?
  2. Does playing game a lot affected our decision-making process?
  3. If we compare the decision making from who play and who not play the game, how fast they make a choice with the specific outcome.
  4. (pending)
  5. What the different between the choice they made and which are more workable for the solution base on the decide speed, moral and overall.
  6. This topic was rich for it resources on cyberspace and won’t be difficult to find references and theory for supporting my report.
  7. On this assignment, I’m try to create a report for this due to this topic are more suitable for argument in the report .
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below
  • Professor Anthony Kelly, 2003. Decision Making Using Game Theory: An Introduction for Managers. Edition. Cambridge University Press.. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Mauricio R. Delgado, 2011. Decision Making, Affect, and Learning: Attention and Performance XXIII. 1 Edition. Oxford University Press. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Nicola Friederike Maaser, 2010. Decision-Making in Committees: Game-Theoretic Analysis (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems). 2010 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz, 1990. Economic Decision-Making: Games, Econometrics and Optimisation. Edition. North Holland.. [Accessed 31 May 2015].

Answer 2 (55%)

  1. Virtual Reality evolves the purchasing system, what effect will it bring.
  2. A new way of purchase to replace the old fashion could bring in many pros or advantages but does the negative come along for the user and society?
  3. Using VR to replace the traditional purchase system bring more benefit to the user or negative from the overall analysis base on the society user in age, career and credibility.
  4. Because VR are common on smart devices nowadays and it related to my final project in certain ways.
  5. The effect about VR bring to the user are supposed to be something it pros and new but will they accept it.
  6. Even through this VR topic was not new in media, but the analysis data wasn’t rich enough to fully explore on this topic.
  7. Base on my expectation, this topic are more suitable for the argument report format to bring out the clear information about this.
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below

  • Greg Kipper, 2012. Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technologies Guide to AR. 1 Edition. Syngress. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  • Gerhard Schall, 2012. Mobile Augmented Reality for Human Scale Interaction with Geospatial Models: The Benefit for Industrial Applications (Mobile Computing). 2013 Edition. Springer Gabler. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  •  Michael Grafe, 2011. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry. 2011 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  • S.K. Ong, 2011. Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing. Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 30 May 2015].

Answer 3 (50%)

  1. User Interface Communication
  2. What kind of user interface could tell the user about the function without a tutorial.
  3. Among all the user interface have existed, which design style or format are user-friendly to public for using on smart devices or computer.
  4. Every artifact need user interface and it could represent the creator to explain the function even the creator are not around.
  5. The important about user interface are all the same no matter which devices we are using or different from the different perspective.
  6. With the rich resources on cyberspace, I believe it was able to complete dut the relevant to the topic are a question.
  7. This base on my idea was more toward essay format better than the report due to the information delivering are less comparison. 
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below
  • Everett N McKay, 2013. UI is Communication: How to Design Intuitive, User Centered Interfaces by Focusing on Effective Communication. 1 Edition. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN - 9780123969804 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • David Benyon, Philippe Palanque, 1995. Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering (Applied Computing). Edition. Springer. ISBN - 9783540199649 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • Kevin Mullet, 1994. Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques. 1 Edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN - 0133033899 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • Wilbert O. Galitz, 2007. The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques. 3 Edition. Wiley. ISBN - 9780470053423 [Accessed 31 May 2015].