Sunday, June 7, 2015

Mini Proposal ver 2 material preparation done on 8 June

Question (Mini Proposals) version 2

Answer 1:

Your proposed research question
Virtual Reality Meeting.

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The advantages of Virtual Reality meeting.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
Why virtual reality meeting  better compare to webcam meeting.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
Virtual reality wasn’t a new knowledge to IMD student and they should have basic understanding of Virtual Reality.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
All the resources were listed and obtain from secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
My knowledge about this topic wasn’t enough for deep exploration. 

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will do.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list. (Coming Soon)

Answer 2:

Your proposed research question
Does authorship affect Intertextuality creation.

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The critical Issue about authorship in Intertextuality.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
The important exist about authorship in Intertextuality issue.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
Intertextuality wasn't a fresh topic for IMD and it was able to achieve it with few arguments that exist in cyberspace.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
The sources and material that I need was all listed and management well in cyberspace as secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
The knowledge that I have wasn't deep or clear enough for describe it well and detail.

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will suit it.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9.

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list.  (Coming Soon)

Answer 3:

Your proposed research question
Does reputation, credibility and communication build in virtual Identity.
How is professional credibility established using virtual identity?

Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations
The important about these three elements in virtual Identity to people and society.
This study will examine the topic of virtual identities and will use McLuhans idea that the media is an extension of the self.

A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
Virtual Identity work as important as our reality Identity.
The topic will be studied via the LinkedIn for further understanding about virtual identity to conduct a details analysis.

The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
We study and discuss virtual identity as the digital identity in other class so we learn a basic knowledge about it.

A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
The sources and material that I need was all listed and management well in cyberspace as secondary Information.

An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
The knowledge that I have wasn't deep or clear enough for describe it well and detail.

Specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
The report format will suit it.

A timeline for your enquiry process.
Match with question 9.

A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
The Proposal will be submitted on week 8 and draft probably be done on week 10 for checking.

A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations
Bibliography list.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Mini Proposal material preparation done on 1 June

10 Question need to answer in Mini Proposals

  1. Your proposed research question
  2. Your proposed topic and a provisional indication of its theoretical foundations.
  3. A description and justification of the scope of your enquiry
  4. The relevance of your enquiry to your personal practice and its potential wider benefits
  5. A statement on the ethical issues raised by your proposed study.
  6. An assessment of the overall feasibility of your proposed enquiry 
  7. specification on the format of your enquiry: essay / report
  8. A timeline for your enquiry process.
  9. A plan or timeline for your enquiry process
  10. A list (a minimum of 10 items including 3 books) of initial sources with brief annotations

Answer 1 (60%)

  1. Does game affect our decision making?
  2. Does playing game a lot affected our decision-making process?
  3. If we compare the decision making from who play and who not play the game, how fast they make a choice with the specific outcome.
  4. (pending)
  5. What the different between the choice they made and which are more workable for the solution base on the decide speed, moral and overall.
  6. This topic was rich for it resources on cyberspace and won’t be difficult to find references and theory for supporting my report.
  7. On this assignment, I’m try to create a report for this due to this topic are more suitable for argument in the report .
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below
  • Professor Anthony Kelly, 2003. Decision Making Using Game Theory: An Introduction for Managers. Edition. Cambridge University Press.. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Mauricio R. Delgado, 2011. Decision Making, Affect, and Learning: Attention and Performance XXIII. 1 Edition. Oxford University Press. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Nicola Friederike Maaser, 2010. Decision-Making in Committees: Game-Theoretic Analysis (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems). 2010 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 29 May 2015].
  • Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz, 1990. Economic Decision-Making: Games, Econometrics and Optimisation. Edition. North Holland.. [Accessed 31 May 2015].

Answer 2 (55%)

  1. Virtual Reality evolves the purchasing system, what effect will it bring.
  2. A new way of purchase to replace the old fashion could bring in many pros or advantages but does the negative come along for the user and society?
  3. Using VR to replace the traditional purchase system bring more benefit to the user or negative from the overall analysis base on the society user in age, career and credibility.
  4. Because VR are common on smart devices nowadays and it related to my final project in certain ways.
  5. The effect about VR bring to the user are supposed to be something it pros and new but will they accept it.
  6. Even through this VR topic was not new in media, but the analysis data wasn’t rich enough to fully explore on this topic.
  7. Base on my expectation, this topic are more suitable for the argument report format to bring out the clear information about this.
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below

  • Greg Kipper, 2012. Augmented Reality: An Emerging Technologies Guide to AR. 1 Edition. Syngress. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  • Gerhard Schall, 2012. Mobile Augmented Reality for Human Scale Interaction with Geospatial Models: The Benefit for Industrial Applications (Mobile Computing). 2013 Edition. Springer Gabler. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  •  Michael Grafe, 2011. Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality in Industry. 2011 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 30 May 2015].
  • S.K. Ong, 2011. Virtual and Augmented Reality Applications in Manufacturing. Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004 Edition. Springer. [Accessed 30 May 2015].

Answer 3 (50%)

  1. User Interface Communication
  2. What kind of user interface could tell the user about the function without a tutorial.
  3. Among all the user interface have existed, which design style or format are user-friendly to public for using on smart devices or computer.
  4. Every artifact need user interface and it could represent the creator to explain the function even the creator are not around.
  5. The important about user interface are all the same no matter which devices we are using or different from the different perspective.
  6. With the rich resources on cyberspace, I believe it was able to complete dut the relevant to the topic are a question.
  7. This base on my idea was more toward essay format better than the report due to the information delivering are less comparison. 
  8. (Pending)
  9. (Pending)
  10. Bibliography list as below
  • Everett N McKay, 2013. UI is Communication: How to Design Intuitive, User Centered Interfaces by Focusing on Effective Communication. 1 Edition. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN - 9780123969804 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • David Benyon, Philippe Palanque, 1995. Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering (Applied Computing). Edition. Springer. ISBN - 9783540199649 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • Kevin Mullet, 1994. Designing Visual Interfaces: Communication Oriented Techniques. 1 Edition. Prentice Hall. ISBN - 0133033899 [Accessed 31 May 2015].
  • Wilbert O. Galitz, 2007. The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques. 3 Edition. Wiley. ISBN - 9780470053423 [Accessed 31 May 2015].

Friday, May 22, 2015

Overall English Grammar Result (Oh my God, What is this score I got ==lll)

Self Grammar Testing Tutorial ( Lecturer Daniel Request)

Week 2
Free Online English Grammar Test, British Study Centres
30/40             26/40         32/40             21/40     33/40

Week 3
English - Test: Tenses: Present Perfect Progressive Lv3
20/41             18/41         26/41             24/41      33/41

Week 4
Simple Present, Present Perfect, Simple Past, Past Perfect Level 4
17/20             18/20

Infinitive / Gerund: Level 2 
23/31              26/31

If Clauses: Level 3

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Reasons to Play Role Playing Games

The Reasons to Play Role Playing Games

Whether it's for the holidays or the weekend gamer, role playing games offer a rich and detailed gaming experience that can be set in any time, any setting, and any situation. These games develop numerous skills all while providing hours and hours of entertainment.

What Are Role Playing Games?

Role playing games are a genre of games where players assume the role of a character, much like an actor in a play. The player is then expected to take charge and make decisions, helping to influence and unfold the narrative. Role playing games may be further divided into live-action, tabletop, and video games. Live-action role play is the most like acting. Players decide on their characters ahead of time and meet with other players to act out scenes. Props, costumes, and scenery may all play a large role in the game. This type of gaming, often called LARPing for live-action role play, is mediated by a gamemaster called an arranger. The arranger manages all of the rules and logistics and serves as an organizational aide rather than the person in charge of the narrative. This style of gaming is player-driven, focusing on interactions between players and NPCs, or non-player characters. Because LARPing is similar to acting, there are numerous things that may be required before beginning. Costumes are among the most important items for maintaining character, but props like foam weapons can add a decidedly physical aspect to the role play. Tabletop role play is perhaps the classic form of role play. During play, players control characters as above but do so sitting at a table with character sheets, miniature models,dice, books, and maps. The gamemaster, often called a dungeon master or storyteller, delivers the primary narrative and takes on the role of all NPCs and enemies encountered. Players perform their characters much like radio drama where actions are spoken and dialogue drives the game forward. Settings can be enormous in scale like those created by major gaming companies or can be homebrewed, left to the imagination of the gamemaster. This style of play does not require fancy props, but it does require a method of record-keeping to balance statistics and track progress. If tabletop role play is the classic method, then video gamesare certainly the most famous. These RPGs can range from MUD-style gaming where text provides all of the details to intense graphical displays, common to both offline single-player style of play and MMOs. Single-player RPGs typically have the player assume the role of the hero and complete quests while progressing through the story. Along the way, the player picks up allies working towards the same goal and identifies a major threat to fight against. Combat may be relatively strategic or action-oriented. Decision-making may also play a large role in the game, leading to multiple outcomes based on player-derived choices. MMOs are massively-multiplayer games where players connect online with other players to team up and fight monsters, complete quests, and fight against other factions of players. Many MMOs require a monthly subscription, but there are some that are free to play. For many players, the social experience is the most important aspect of online gaming though some live for the thrill of creating character builds that test the limits of the game.

1. Role Playing Games Teach Imagination

One of the principal benefits of role playing games is that they help spark imagination. Whether it's creating a backstory for a character, developing the setting, or formulating a response in-character, role play forces a person to think, "What would my character do?" The requirement of leaving behind the player's own perceptions, experiences, and lifestyle choices to imagine an entirely new being is excellent for developing empathy, perception, and tolerance. Role playing blends the imaginative traits of both the author and the actor, forcing players to craft their own realities. While video games may put the player on more rails than a tabletop experience, they still require a certain suspension of belief that marries open-mindedness and reason. Role playing environments may have pre-developed structures, but game manufacturers encourage imagination above all and instruct players to toss out rules that hinder this process.

2. Role Playing Games Develop Reasoning

Part of answering "What would my character do?" is using logic and observation to deduce what others have done before. If the player adopts the mantle of a noble warrior with a single-minded devotion to the law, the question of bending the law in favor of a virtuous act may arise. The player may be inclined to choose the virtuous act at the expense of the law, but the player must also reason what his or her character would do in the situation. To this end, players also toy with morality, balancing law and chaos with good and evil. Reasoning doesn't end in the mind though. Combat encounters are an intrinsic part of role playing games, and anticipating attacks, tracking enemy movement, and developing counter-strategies are all necessary to gain tactical advantage. These types of games help players to recognize patterns and devise methods of succeeding against them.

3. Role Playing Games Offer a Rich Social Experience

One of the largest reasons for playing, role playing games offer a rewarding social experience. Interaction between players is the primary way to drive a narrative forward, and while single-player video games may not bring a lot in this regard, every other method of role play has it in spades. Whether players work together to accomplish a common goal or serve as adversaries to one another, they nevertheless engage in the same types of social interactions others do on a daily basis. Role play forces players to analyze these interactions to determine what is the most logical or effective means of communication, which in turn makes these players better communicators outside of gaming.

4. Role Playing Games Bring Detailed Narrative

Without an over-arching narrative, the only thing players have is conversation. Everything from how the characters know one another to what they're fighting against is derived from or impacting the narrative. Playing a role playing game is almost like diving into an interactive novel. Players assume character roles and take up identities they would likely never have in reality. Plot progresses in ways that may be of their choosing but is often unexpected, much like real life. For gamemasters, developing narrative is an excellent mental exercise, requiring creativity and logic balanced with fairness for all parties while still retaining a challenge.

5. Role Playing Games Reward Decision-Making

Whether it's choosing one faction's safety over another or timing an attack, role playing games are all about decision-making. The choices a player makes forever changes the landscape of the game, altering outcomes or determining success in battle. By making decisions in the game, players learn how to predict outcomes, balance those outcomes, and develop confidence in their own decision-making skills. Players active in the role play community are often more comfortable taking charge of situations and communicating with others on a group level to determine the best course of action.

6. Role Playing Games Assist With Planning Skills

Part of decision-making is planning. Many role playing games offer combat encounters or social situations that benefit from careful planning. Successfully using the terrain against an enemy can turn the tide of combat, and navigating a conversation through pre-established fail-safes ensures a favorable outcome. When players see their plans come to fruition, it gives them confidence to adopt this kind of planning in their daily lives, and when plans go awry, it allows players to think on their feet and quickly recover to make a new decision.

7. Role Playing Games Offer Escapism Safely

Finally, there are moments where people wish they could be someone else, and role playing games allow this within the safety of their own setting. If a player always wanted to know what it was like to be the villain, he or she can do so without actual harm to others. Maybe a male player wants to try and understand the female psyche through playing a female character and having others interact with him as a woman. Whatever the interest, role playing games provide a safe and anonymous way to imagine life as it never was.


Role playing games offer one of the most human experiences in gaming. Whether the aim is to improve confidence, decision-making, or social skills, role playing games allow players to embrace their imagination all within the safety of a comfortable social setting.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Moral education on multiple place

MC Assignment (D L) (W 8) (Q 5) (8/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

            Well the Blog that I wrote about Celebrity have come to Eighth Blog already and it been say about each kind of difference issue about celebrity definition on each previous blog. So this article I will try to describe about something new in celebrity topic. Sorry about been late because I spend time to gather the right resources that I need for this blog.

            Well this time I wont use back the same Celebrity that I use on previous blog but using her Coffee Lam, a former actor from HongKong TVB Drama Entertainment. From what she did latest gave me a good material  to wrote my eighth blog in Celebrity topic.

            Actually when we reading new about entertainment part on newspaper or online, do we look fair on each news about each celebrity. When we saw the entertainment part in news, we saw a lot of news about each celebrity that happen lately. A good sample of this was the HongKong TVB actor news that about having some activities in toilet. do people believe what she did? After she explain every thing on new, do people continue trust her or not ?

           Well in the end because of this cases she lost her job as a Actor or as a "Celebrity" because of the negative news that spread on the cyberspace. But did this thing show us that what kind of view we use to defy each Celebrity? The answer is Yes. Because if this case was happen in the western country could the Celebrity get fire? or  did the public lost their trust to them? The answer is No. They still carry on their career and job is good as solid. The best example I could gave was  Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s cases.

           They did do something bring negative effect to their country and the Obama President also mention them as bad influences, but did they get fired? or do they lost the public trust? Well in this cases, I could only say that different country people having different kind of view on their own Celebrity negative news.

            In the Asian Country, we familiar with a method call you did it you deserve it, like the Coffee Lam cases, just because of this cases her career is done once and for all. But in the Western Country, they just spread on news and then it final like nothing happen after some times. Besides then Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s, the bad news about Justin Bieber, Miley Cryus was also a good sample to this cases.

           Well in the end I could only say that different kind of education and cultural facts decide what kind of view that the public use to see the Negatives Cases of each Celebrity and decide their career path. So this is what I want to mention on this Eighth Blog and hope I will continue adding some interesting point about Celebrity news in the future. Please be look forward to it.

Thank you and have a good day...... 

 The "Toilet" Case 

The Explanation

The End of Career

Barack Obama criticises Kim Kardashian, Kanye West as bad influences - Showbiz News - Digital Spy. 2014. Barack Obama criticises Kim Kardashian, Kanye West as bad influences - Showbiz News - Digital Spy. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 13 July 2014]

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Prenup — Reality Star Making Bad Choice - Hollywood Life. 2014. Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Prenup — Reality Star Making Bad Choice - Hollywood Life. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 15 July 2014]..

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Power of authority

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 5) (7/8)

          After few blog that I wrote on past, i found out that one Issue that is quite important as an Celebrity no matter is International or just local. This issue if been face by every single Celebrity. Many people will think that maybe the family member was fully supported their child when they want to join the Celebrity Industry, but does it was real about? We figure about that soon.

          This blog I still gonna use back the same Celebrity that I choose from Japan, that is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, as you can think that since Japan is a lead ahead from our country in the Fashion and Technology, They parent might not so against their child will as a singer or actors but in facts it not quite truth about it really. I been upload few website that say that the parent of the celebrity I chose was very against her job at first or I can say is when they found out her ambitions. they even not cook for her meal or brought her any new cloths since she on grade six. From this phenomena we can guess that even Japan was a great country that rich in Design & Fashion but the culture still in a former level.

           Meanwhile from our country Malaysia, our Dato' Siti Nurhaliza was quite different from my target Japan Celebrity. From my previous Blog I did mention that her is joining her family business as a singer group that celebrate people wedding before she was famous and from the video also proof that her family was quite support her to join the singer industry without any problem. That why from different family work might affect their view on their child job in the future was not false at all.

          So from here I figure out one thing, no matter how rich or modern a country is, there will always make no difference if your family not understand the job role and part to do it. Just back to the old word, you can understand the Industry if you are not part of it.

I think that enough at this seventh blog, hope you be look forward to my final blog, the eighth blog about the celebrity. Thank you.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Dishes On How Abusive Her Parents Were | 247 Asian Media. 2014. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Dishes On How Abusive Her Parents Were | 247 Asian Media. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 July 2014].

あらま They Didn't ! Japanese Entertainment News - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's parents were pretty abusive.. 2014. あらま They Didn't ! Japanese Entertainment News - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's parents were pretty abusive.. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 July 2014].

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friendly neighbour are them ?

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 7) (6/8)

            What if I say when you saw the Celebrity walk on the street and pass by is not a surprise deal anymore like in the ancient day the king need to pretend as a normal villager to scout the kingdoms. Like the America oversea does all their celebrity usually going out on street for their weekend or just for shopping like an normal citizens does, but will this phenomenon happen in our place? Well I try to search on the web for this news but far to less that I get. So, I just show what I got on my resource in this sixth blog.

          Well as my target on Japan Celebrity, Kyary Pamyu Pamyu a video that I upload on the previous blog did mention she got going out having a normal weekend or just shop like normal citizens without bringing any style or the fame as an Celebrity in the public as the chat with Katy Pery. "Usually my style on stage was fully decorated with makeup so if normal walking on street without makeup normally people will hardly notice me at that place." say by she.

           And for our Celebrity Dato' Siti Nurhaliza, no matter I found on the fans page or google, I hardly found any article or activities state that she appear in the public in normal way. Usually what I found on the web is she attend some public activities like grand opening or sport activities. Usually we saw her on these kind of activities that she join the public without the music Industry mix in. I cant barely say that she didn't enjoy or showing on public like the oversea Celebrity does but just less found the proof to solid my word.

This sixth blog was short this time because I can't find a way to express my meaning on this topic but I will try to refine it on the next or fixing this blog. So see you all on my seventh Blog. see ya.

Thank you.