Saturday, July 12, 2014

Power of authority

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 5) (7/8)

          After few blog that I wrote on past, i found out that one Issue that is quite important as an Celebrity no matter is International or just local. This issue if been face by every single Celebrity. Many people will think that maybe the family member was fully supported their child when they want to join the Celebrity Industry, but does it was real about? We figure about that soon.

          This blog I still gonna use back the same Celebrity that I choose from Japan, that is Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, as you can think that since Japan is a lead ahead from our country in the Fashion and Technology, They parent might not so against their child will as a singer or actors but in facts it not quite truth about it really. I been upload few website that say that the parent of the celebrity I chose was very against her job at first or I can say is when they found out her ambitions. they even not cook for her meal or brought her any new cloths since she on grade six. From this phenomena we can guess that even Japan was a great country that rich in Design & Fashion but the culture still in a former level.

           Meanwhile from our country Malaysia, our Dato' Siti Nurhaliza was quite different from my target Japan Celebrity. From my previous Blog I did mention that her is joining her family business as a singer group that celebrate people wedding before she was famous and from the video also proof that her family was quite support her to join the singer industry without any problem. That why from different family work might affect their view on their child job in the future was not false at all.

          So from here I figure out one thing, no matter how rich or modern a country is, there will always make no difference if your family not understand the job role and part to do it. Just back to the old word, you can understand the Industry if you are not part of it.

I think that enough at this seventh blog, hope you be look forward to my final blog, the eighth blog about the celebrity. Thank you.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Dishes On How Abusive Her Parents Were | 247 Asian Media. 2014. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Dishes On How Abusive Her Parents Were | 247 Asian Media. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 July 2014].

あらま They Didn't ! Japanese Entertainment News - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's parents were pretty abusive.. 2014. あらま They Didn't ! Japanese Entertainment News - Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's parents were pretty abusive.. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 12 July 2014].

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