Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We treat them equal ?

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 7) (5/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

              Since this is my fifth blog on this celebrity topic, a new point of discussion about local with oversea celebrity that have been discover via reading the newspaper in my daily morning. 

            When we talk about celebrity, we knew that it was someone who could represent our country to show the world what our country is look like beside then those politics in our government and it could be mean that the celebrity are the third parties that could represent our country without any threat or motivation from the politics side, so what does the oversea public think about them? Well let start out topic.

              The celebrity that I use to represent the japan country for previous few blog was Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, so i will use it back as my main target. Even thought she make few fashion style that consider "Fresh" in the singer society, but the Japanese people accept it, what does the other country? Well, I got an video about she chatting with Katy Perry and both of the was happy and love each other style like they are from the same place. Furthermore, a video about the concert that she held her own first oversea concert in California was a big success to integration with the local society and it was great for an Celebrity because it mean the oversea are knowing you as well.

Mean while, when I talk about the Japan Celebrity, I almost forgot about our local Celebrity.Well the Celebrity that I use on this topic was Siti Norhaliza because she was famous in the oversea also by the singer style like the japan Celebrity I use on the upper paragraph. Well as I mention in the previous Blog, she was not so well know in our local society before her achievement in Indonesia. She also acquire the identity of the public in oversea by proving herself talent and this is what I like about her. She even success to integration the Japan society as well because if you notice the news from the past few year, the Japan society was not so "like" her about her style but she manage to stand a place in the Japanese society even it just not as great as the other but it was a great achievement for her as a Malay Nation to success joining the world of difficult language.

Well this is my firth Blog on this topic, hope you could understand my meaning in this Blog and please be look forward on my sixth blog that coming up soon.

Thank you....

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