Monday, June 30, 2014

Are we opened minded ?

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 7) (4/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

Honestly when wrote until this 4th blog, I could say is at the bottle head and can't figure out anything to write but since when I have a chat with the lecture on tutorial, I found out one facts that actually quite true about Celebrity in Malaysia that will make us surprise about it but it was true. Because we are a country will different nation, do we actually know the celebrity in the other nation like Chinese knew Malay and Indian celebrity or same go to them? This facts i quite lack in searching for references because it quite less I could found so I just do the old way "questioning" the people and the answer is just as I thought. Well anything say easy to explain in a picture so let take a look.

Because I can't find any research on the web that can prove my word, so I go ask people from different place in different area. First I ask a Malay Restaurant boss about few Chinese and Indian celebrity that is quite famous in our country but he refuse and say he dunno who they are until the photo is show to them. Second i go to a Indian Restaurant also for the same purpose but the result also remain the same but they did recognized the Malay celebrity that is Dato's Siti Norhaliza. last I go to a Chinese Restaurant also but this time I quite shock because they only know few Chinese celebrity then other races is unknown to them. But after asking maybe the reason is about the entertainment that we watch in daily life. You can't expect to saw Malay show in Chinese Channel right, like in Astro Hua Lai Toi won't play any Malay or Indian Show and same goes to other TV channel.

But unlike the Japan Celebrity that I do for my 3rd blog cal Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, All japan citizens know her and quite familiar with her in some way like the elder know about her for music style and fashion, kid know her because of singing the theme song for kid cartoon Crayon ShinChan and teenager kow her as an Idol. SO this make like people from different generations have a know about her.

So I can't say it our people fault to not know all celebrity from difference in our country because we did not familiar with other nation celebrity as well and we can't compare with Japan because their only having 1 nation in their country so it not a problem to promoting any celebrity in their society but this case was difference in our country.

Well what I can say is we need to improve our familiarity to our other nation celebrity so that it won't be a shame if next time some tourist asking about the celebrity that came from our country but we does not know who they are.

Well this for today blog, Hope to write the 5th Blog soon after I finish my other assignment, See ya .

1 comment:

  1. It's really good that you took up the initiative of interviewing a few person concerning the issue. Please note that you will not be able to cite your personal findings in your essay. It can give you general ideas on your research direction. Your observation that the TV channels are devided culturally is a valid point you can use.

    You post highlighted how some Japanese and Korean celebrities might be well known to both Malay and Chinese communities.

    Continue your exploration. Look at the GD blogs. Shia Chi Juin has found an expert definition on what is celebrity. Remind me to give you some notes.

    Be careful of your grammar. You use chinese phrases and grammar sturcture. So when you read, pay attention to how things are written besides the content.
