Monday, June 16, 2014

Are you the one ?

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 7) (1/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

A:  The meaning of celebrity that found by me is listed down as the detail below.


late Middle English (in the sense 'solemn ceremony'): from Old French celebrite or Latin celebritas, from celeber, celebr- 'frequented or honored'.


Celebrity refers to popular fame and public attention in the media, usually applied to a person (a 'celebrity', 'celeb.' or 'star'), or group of people (celebrity couple, family etc.), or occasionally, to animals or fictional entities. Celebrity status is often associated with wealth (commonly referred to as fame and fortune) and fame can often provide opportunities to make money.

Various careers within the fields of sports and entertainment are commonly associated with celebrity status. In other cases, people become celebrities due to media attention for their lifestyle or wealth (as in the case of a socialite); for their connection to a famous person; or for their actions.

After written the explanation of celebrity, i guess i will start my next blog soon to catch up time to complete it right on time.


  1. celebrity: definition of celebrity in Oxford dictionary (British & World English). 2014. celebrity: definition of celebrity in Oxford dictionary (British & World English). [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 June 2014]
  2. Celebrity gossip | Articles | The List. 2014. Celebrity gossip | Articles | The List. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 June 2014].

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