Wednesday, June 18, 2014

What this mean for us ?

MC Assignment (D L)  (W 8) (Q 7) (2/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

The tips of become famous, go create a new world record or something awesome to make people knew you. JAMIE FRATER. by The 10 tip to become famous 

Well since I have written the definition of celebrity in the previous post, I'm will written what the celebrity look like in the public in our country.

So in nowadays the modern age, people or public aren't hard to be become a celebrity because of the power of technology and public social network like Instagram, Facebook, and other website. But to become a celebrity is usually not a big hard deal but is you want to become the good side or the bad side of celebrity?

Well like our Malaysia Famous Artist that work with oversea, Dato' Michelle Yeoh is proud to be call the famous celebrity of Malaysia with her fame and strong identity that let the foreigner know about our country because of her. But the Namewee even through also make himself famous in the internet and be famous in oversea but when the public talk about him, bad thing come first before the good and this doesn't make our country look good.

From the article that wrote by Donna Rockwell,  Celebrity has been watered down considerably since those innocent days, when being called a celebrity really meant something: it meant Elizabeth Taylor and Johnny Carson; it meant Picasso, Princess Grace, Sidney Poitier, Frank Sinatra, and Andy Warhol seducing the spotlight with staggering precision. Warhol was prescient, in fact, when he revised his earlier adage that everyone will have 15 minutes of fame to the more cryptic, "In 15 minutes everybody will be famous."

The evolution of our celebrity-driven society finds us the unwitting consumers of celebrity "news," as we glare at Justin Bieber's televised breakdown or tsk-tsk over the star's potential downward spiral. The parables of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and their generation of celebrity peers have yet to be told, while the very sad tale of the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, Amy Winehouse, Heath Ledger, River Phoenix, and so many others should, though it doesn't, send shivers down Hollywood's collective celebrity spine. Celebrity weight is a lot to carry. and .....................

So in the end, to be celebrity that represent a country will be a tough job cause every single move by them is represent the country. So I guess I stop at here, in my next article I try to add in some other country celebrity to compare with our country. So please be look forward to, Thank you.

  1. Top 10 Tips For Becoming Famous - Listverse. 2014. Top 10 Tips For Becoming Famous - Listverse. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 June 2014].
  2. Mindfulness in Everyday Life -- So You Want to Be Famous? What You Need to Know About Celebrity | Donna Rockwell, PsyD. 2014. Mindfulness in Everyday Life -- So You Want to Be Famous? What You Need to Know About Celebrity | Donna Rockwell, PsyD. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 June 2014].

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