Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Moral education on multiple place

MC Assignment (D L) (W 8) (Q 5) (8/8)

Q:  Explore the definition of 'celebrity' in Malaysia and compare with another culture of your choice, choosing relevant examples to illustrate your argument.

            Well the Blog that I wrote about Celebrity have come to Eighth Blog already and it been say about each kind of difference issue about celebrity definition on each previous blog. So this article I will try to describe about something new in celebrity topic. Sorry about been late because I spend time to gather the right resources that I need for this blog.

            Well this time I wont use back the same Celebrity that I use on previous blog but using her Coffee Lam, a former actor from HongKong TVB Drama Entertainment. From what she did latest gave me a good material  to wrote my eighth blog in Celebrity topic.

            Actually when we reading new about entertainment part on newspaper or online, do we look fair on each news about each celebrity. When we saw the entertainment part in news, we saw a lot of news about each celebrity that happen lately. A good sample of this was the HongKong TVB actor news that about having some activities in toilet. do people believe what she did? After she explain every thing on new, do people continue trust her or not ?

           Well in the end because of this cases she lost her job as a Actor or as a "Celebrity" because of the negative news that spread on the cyberspace. But did this thing show us that what kind of view we use to defy each Celebrity? The answer is Yes. Because if this case was happen in the western country could the Celebrity get fire? or  did the public lost their trust to them? The answer is No. They still carry on their career and job is good as solid. The best example I could gave was  Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s cases.

           They did do something bring negative effect to their country and the Obama President also mention them as bad influences, but did they get fired? or do they lost the public trust? Well in this cases, I could only say that different country people having different kind of view on their own Celebrity negative news.

            In the Asian Country, we familiar with a method call you did it you deserve it, like the Coffee Lam cases, just because of this cases her career is done once and for all. But in the Western Country, they just spread on news and then it final like nothing happen after some times. Besides then Kim Kardashian & Kanye West’s, the bad news about Justin Bieber, Miley Cryus was also a good sample to this cases.

           Well in the end I could only say that different kind of education and cultural facts decide what kind of view that the public use to see the Negatives Cases of each Celebrity and decide their career path. So this is what I want to mention on this Eighth Blog and hope I will continue adding some interesting point about Celebrity news in the future. Please be look forward to it.

Thank you and have a good day...... 

 The "Toilet" Case 

The Explanation

The End of Career

Barack Obama criticises Kim Kardashian, Kanye West as bad influences - Showbiz News - Digital Spy. 2014. Barack Obama criticises Kim Kardashian, Kanye West as bad influences - Showbiz News - Digital Spy. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/news/a504098/barack-obama-criticises-kim-kardashian-kanye-west-as-bad-influences.html#~oK6xS2Sex3dSFd. [Accessed 13 July 2014]

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Prenup — Reality Star Making Bad Choice - Hollywood Life. 2014. Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Prenup — Reality Star Making Bad Choice - Hollywood Life. [ONLINE] Available at: http://hollywoodlife.com/2014/03/11/kim-kardashian-kanye-west-prenup-millions-divorce-attorney-terms/. [Accessed 15 July 2014]..

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you seem to be putting effort but as mentioned before, your grammar is weak. I have trouble understanding what are your key points. Your posts also lack references to quality academic resources.

    Please arrange to have a tutorial with me soon. Bring with you a text concerning celebrity culture and also a break down of your main findings.
